Our Community

Our congregants come from many walks of life, and represent a diversity of spiritual belief and practice.

The Sanctuary

Come to the Sanctuary!
Come one and come all.
Faithful practitioners of
any and all religions.
…Or none at all.

Come to the Sanctuary!
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist
Christian, Sikh or Jew.
We welcome you.
Our door is open. Come to the Sanctuary!
Humanist, atheist, truth seeker,
Witch, pagan, first peoples.
We honor your spiritual path.
We listen to your journey.
Our door is open to you too.

Come to the Sanctuary!
Catholic or Protestant,
Orthodox or Reformed,
Shi’a or Sunni
Tibetan or Zen
Agnostic or unknown.
Our door is open.
This could be your home.

David Heitmiller
February 2018

As a community, we endeavor to live in the openness of heart and compassionate understanding that embraces all life.
As a spiritual organization, we are collectively organized to thrive through listening, sharing, and caring for one another.
As individuals in awe of the Divine, we support and respect one another’s personal spiritual path and spiritual practices.

~ Reverend Karen Lindquist
co-founder & co-minister of Interfaith Community Sanctuary

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