
Thank you for donating to Interfaith Community Sanctuary! You can use a debit or credit card to pay, and do not need a PayPal account.

If you would rather contribute by check, please send it to:
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street,
Seattle, WA 98107

Please check with your employer to see if they will match your donation!

ICS is a 501©3 organization registered with the federal government. All donations to ICS are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID: 23-7059922

We are a 501(c)3 Organization.    Our EIN is:  23-7059922

You may donate online with a credit card (there is a QR code by that) 

You may mail a check to: 1763 NW 62nd Street, Seattle, WA 98107

Donor Advised Funds are an increasingly popular way to group multiple donations into a single year, and thus exceed the standard deduction for that year.  You can discuss with your tax advisor whether establishing a DAF account may be a good choice for your situation.

If you are age 70.5 or older (starting age depends on your birth year) and have an IRA, you can contact your IRA custodian concerning how to make a tax free Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD) directly from your IRA to Interfaith Community Sanctuary.

We do not promote, advance, or engage in religious messaging or recruitment with any of our services. ICS does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, race, physical ability, religion or religious belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or a refusal to actively participate in a religious practice.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement:
We acknowledge that we live and work within the occupied territory of Lushootseed (Puget Sound Salish) peoples, among them the Duwamish, Skykomish, Muckleshoot, Snohomish, Snoqualmie, Suquamish, Nisqually, and Tulalip. These nations have existed in this place from time immemorial and have a rich legacy of stewarding, protecting, and caring for the land and waterways.
We acknowledge our occupation of this land and remember the painful history of settler homesteads imposing upon Indigenous territories. We also acknowledge the injustice of the Treaty of Point Elliott, and of the fact that the Duwamish do not have legal recognition in their own land- in a city now named after one of their great leaders, Si’ahl (Chief Seattle).

It is our desire to work with Indigenous communities to support efforts to reclaim land in their traditional territories. To learn about ways to support the Duwamish, visit:


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