Sunday Worship

Guest Worship: Rabbi Anson Laytner

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Mother Earth Strikes Back

Mother Earth Strikes Back:
Reading from his as-yet-unpublished novel, “The Aboab Manuscript, or The Eleventh Commandment,” Rabbi Laytner will provide a brief synopsis and share his fantasy about how Mother Earth has been reacting to human depredation of the environment, which includes speculation about where God resides and concludes with a call to action.

Anson Laytner is a happily retired rabbi. He currently serves as president of the Sino-Judaic Institute and edits its journal Points East. Laytner has long been active in interfaith activities in our region, most recently serving on the board of Northwest Interfaith. He is the author of Arguing with God: A Jewish Tradition; The Animals’ Lawsuit Against Humanity; The Chinese Jews of Kaifeng; and The Mystery of Suffering and the Meaning of God. He and his wife, Richelle Harrell, live in Seattle along with their #@%&** cat.

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