Sunday Worship

Guest Worship: Rev. Judith Laxer

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Honoring the Guest Interfaith Worship Series
~Exploring Diverse Faith & Spiritual Traditions
welcomes Rev. Judith Laxer, founding priestess of Gaia’s Temple.

Sunday September 4th is World Goddess Day, a day to come together, celebrate, and pay tribute to the Goddess. On such a day, we acknowledge that the Goddess is not merely the feminine face of God, but divinity in Her own right. At this time, the mysteries of Demeter and Persephone beckon us to the threshold of the Autumn Equinox. Join us to explore the profound significance that we draw from this ancient tale of darkness and light.

Pamela Gerke will offer music for this service

Rev. Judith Laxer is a modern-day mystic who believes that beauty, humor, and the wonders of nature make life worth living. The founding Priestess of Gaia’s Temple and MoonWise Mystery School, both now online, Judith is a keynote speaker, teacher of the magickal arts and mysteries, and author of Along the Wheel of Time: Sacred Stories for Nature Lovers [Ravenswood Publishing]. Judith dedicates her work to the rise and cultural integration of the Divine Feminine in all Her magnificence and wisdom.,

Nowdays, in a staggered society impaired by centuries of patriarchy, heteronormativity and sexism, the Goddess is considered by many people the only way to reunite ourselves with the true Self, with our most inner Self. She is the only way to get rid of so many years of oppression that only brought differences, prejudices and wars … So a World Goddess Day has never been such necessary as now!:” ~ Brazilian author Claudiney Prieto

Our 2022 Spiritual Discernment:
Encountering the Infinite: Meeting the Divine Mother in Nature, Humanity,
and the Cosmos ~ a contemplative, exploratory inquiry and discovery
September’s Focus: “The Divine Mother as Destroyer”

“Why is Mother Kali so radiantly black?
Because she is so powerful,
Even mentioning her name destroys delusion.
Because she is so beautiful,
Lord Shiva, Conqueror of Death,
Lies blissfully vanquished
beneath her red-soled feet.”
~ Ramprasad Sen (trans. Hixon)

Your generous donation allows us to continue offering interfaith worship services, events, classes. Also to continue creating sacred community as well as maintaining a historic building in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. Currently we are in the process of recovering from rain water damage.
Thank you for your help!

Your generous DONATION may be mailed to:
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street
Seattle, Washington 98107

Honoring the Guest Interfaith Worship Series ~ Exploring Diverse Faith & Spiritual Traditions at Interfaith Community Sanctuary began in the spring of 1998. It has continued to be our foundational spiritual practice expanding our knowledge and understanding of diverse faith and spiritual traditions. Through honoring the guest we develop deep appreciation and awe, celebrating the unique way humanity manifests the Divine Presence within all forms of worship.

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