CATEGORY NAMEOngoing Gatherings

Ongoing Gatherings

Guiding Council monthly meeting

Join Zoom Gathering
ID: 941 3659 9611
Passcode: 800261

First Sundays each month.

All members, officers and ministers gather to contemplate the physical and spiritual needs of our precious spiritual community.
In addition, friends are invited to join with us in this stewardship capacity where we mindfully seek ways to care take this community assuring it will sustain into the future.

Your presence will be a blessing.


Read more about our Guiding Council here:

We are longtime members of the PARLIAMENT of the WORLD’S RELIGIONS
The Parliament of the World’s Religions reminds us this:
“We humbly ask for you to keep these 3 things in mind:
You are not alone
No one is dispensable
We need to learn to care for one another”

We are also a Cooperation Circle of the UNITED RELIGIONS INITITIAVE and have been since 2000. A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members who follow three or more faith traditions – including atheists agnostics and humanists – taking any kind of action to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing.

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