Special Events

Holiday Concert and Bazaar Fundraising

Please Join us in presenting a Holiday Concert and Bazaar Fundraising event at ICS!

Open House
Saturday, December 7th @1:00pm-4:00pm
Interfaith Community Sanctuary.

The sanctuary will be decorated in Holiday attire. This will be a chance to gather in community and celebrate life together.

🎵 Upstairs in the Sanctuary : Concert of Musical Offering
1:00pm – Phil and Birgit of Folk Voice Band will open up the festivities.
Other musical acts will follow.
(There is still time to add your offering : please let us know soon!)

🍪 Downstairs in the Fellowship Hall : Bake Sale & Craft Sale
If you have some crafts (jewelry, cards, gifts, etc.!) that you would like to donate, please let us know!

This will be a “soft” fundraising event.
All donations of goods and goodies, music and entertainment will go to the end of year offers of ICS to help us end the year strong.  

Please let us know if you have gifts to offer the community…..  Music? Art? Crafts? Cookies? Goodies?  

Please plan to just show up – your presence is always a gift! 

Many blessings

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