This worship gathering will be in-person. It will be live streamed too.
Visit our YouTube channel to view.
Join Reverends Chris Rapcewicz and Lila Rapcewicz as they share with us the beauty and joy of this beloved Pagan holy day, Beltane.
Beltane is a celebration of Spring, a time for all to come together to enjoy the company of friends and family in celebration of the new season. It is a time of celebration and rebirth, a chance to let go of the old and usher in the new.
Within this worship service we shall experience a traditional May Pole dance and more!
There are eight festivals in the Pagan Wheel of the Year:
Winter Solstice (Yule); Imbolc (Candlemas); Spring Equinox (Ostara); Beltane (May Eve); Summer Solstice (Litha); Lughnasadh (Lammas); Autumn Equinox (Mabon); Samhain (Harvest end).
For those joining via live-stream (not in-person) please have the following items with you: 1 candle; 1 piece of paper; 1 pen.
Following the indoor guest worship service, please join us outside to dance our intentions into the Maypole.
Guest Worship Service Outline
Goddess Chant: We all come from the Goddess, and to her we shall return, like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.
Acknowledgement of the First People’s land
Calling in of the Ancestors
Invoking the Divine feminine
The tales of Beltaine
Casting a circle
Calling in the directions
Symbolic Great Rite, the joining of the Goddess & God
Fire Ritual- releasing what is no longer needed
Chant: Fire flow free, fire flow through me during the burning
Grounding meditation
Planting the seeds of change- partake in eating sunflower seeds
Sharing our Wealth
Closing of circle:
Farewell to the directional spirits and Goddess & God
Chant: The Circle is open, but unbroken, may the Love of the Goddess be ever in you heart,
Merry meet, and Merry part,
And Merry meet again.
Please join us outside to dance our intentions into the Maypole.
About Chris Rapcewicz
Chris Rapcewicz has been a student of religion all his life, and he first found the Goddess as part of his family tradition: the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, Poland. He has been a member of Interfaith Community Sanctuary since 1994. As for today, he studies and works for Durga and her aspect on this earth; his wife Lila. Jai, jai Maa! He can be reached at and 206-941-3629.
About Lila Rapcewicz
Lila Rapcewicz was born into a family with Magical roots. Her aunt Lola was a Santeria priestess and her grandfather Antonio was a Herbalist and Country Doctor. She discovered Wicca and Paganism at 15 and became a high priestess at 21 after creating her own Witch coven. She joined Interfaith Community Sanctuary in 1999 and enjoys learning about other Religions. Rev.Lila is available for weddings & rituals.She can be reached at and 206-941/3365

- Your generous donation allows us to continue offering interfaith worship services, events, classes.
also to continue creating sacred community as well as maintaining a historic building in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. Currently we are in the process of recovering from rain water damage. Thank you for your help!
As a community,
we endeavor to live in
the openness of heart
and compassionate
that embraces all life.
As a spiritual organization,
we are collectively organized
to thrive through listening,
sharing, and caring
for one another.
As individuals in awe
of the Divine,
we support and respect
each other’s
personal spiritual path
and spiritual practices.