Sunday Worship

Inter~Spiritual Worship

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." ~ Melody Beattie

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Passcode: Visioning

Interfaith Community Sanctuary’s Spiritual Discernment for 2021
The Way of Service ~ Engaging with the World

Our Inter-Spiritual worship gathering on the 4th Sunday in December 2021 will focus upon Perseverance, Patience, and Long-term Visioning.

Throughout this year we have explored the Way of Service drawing from traditional models and contemporary experience. Each month we focused on a virtue, inherent in Humanity as an attribute of God reflected in ourselves.

One of the Rituals we plan to experience within this service is a blessing of the elements – air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. Also, a special Ritual to help us drink in the wisdom of the Divine Mother.

“All the powers of all the world’s Mothers — Tara, Durga, Kali, of the Tao — are in Mary. She has Tara’s sublime protectiveness towards all creation; Durga’s (the Fortress’s) inaccessible, silent face; the grandeur and terribleness of Kali; the infinite awareness of balance and mystery of the Tao. The miracle of Mary and the source of her extraordinary hold over the human heart, however, is that she was a human mother as well, a mother who endured every imaginable anguish and so shares all of our griefs with an intensity and an intimacy no purely Divine Mother can. In Mary, then, we have a complete image of the Divine Feminine, an image at once transcendent and immanent, other-worldly and this-worldly, mystical and practical.” ~ Andrew Harvey

 All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn’t matter what you call Him, as long as you call.- George Harrison

Gently eliminating all obstacles to his own understanding, he constantly maintains his unconditional sincerity. His humility, perseverance, and adaptability evoke the response of the universe and fill him with divine light. – Laozi

And the Lord answered me:
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

A Prayer for Unity

In this century and in any century,
Our deepest hope, our most tender prayer,
Is that we learn to listen.
May we listen to one another in openness and mercy
May we listen to plants and animals in wonder and respect
May We listen to our own hearts in love and forgiveness 
May we listen to God in quietness and awe.
And in this listening,
Which is boundless in its beauty,
May we find the wisdom to cooperate
With a healing spirit, a divine spirit
Who beckons us into peace and community and creativity.
We do not ask for a perfect world.
But we do ask for a better world.
We ask for deep listening. – Jay McDaniel, 

United in Your Love

Almighty God, who are mother and father to us all,
Look upon your planet Earth divided.
Help us to know that we are all your children,
That all nations belong to one great family,
And that all of our religions lead to you.

Multiply our prayers in every land
Until the whole Earth becomes your congregation,
United in your love.
Sustain our vision of a peaceful future
And give us strength to work unceasingly
To make that vision real. ~-Helen Weaver

A Prayer For Oneness

I rest in you, Spirit of Life.
I place in you my feet, my legs, my torso, my arms, my shoulders, my head and allow you to support all that I am.
I rest in you, Spirit of Life, and give to you my worries, my fears, my doubts, my hopes, my joys, my pains, my anger,
my love, my hate, and allow you to take in all that I am.
And as I give all that I am, I find the place of truth, stillness, still, eternal where you and I are one.
I breathe in, deep, deeply, down, up, all that we are, as I stand on my toe at the edge of the universe, in oneness.
And all that we are expands, until forever. – Karem Barratt

Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street
Seattle, WA 98107

Reverend Karen Lindquist
is co-founder and co-minister of Interfaith Community Sanctuary, a spiritual community grounded in circular leadership principles. She co-creates interfaith services throughout the year at the Sanctuary and with interfaith organizations in the greater Seattle area. For many years she served as a board member on The Interfaith Council of Washington and The Interfaith Network, now known as Northwest Interfaith.​​

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