Sunday Worship

Inter~Spiritual Worship

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“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.” ~ Dalai Lama

“Science clearly shows that teaching skills such as empathy, compassion, altruism, and kindness helps children be successful in school and later in life. [Let’s} Create the conditions where children feel connected with others and have the opportunity to practice social and emotional skills with others.” Read more here.

Within this Inter-Spiritual / Intra-Spiritual Worship service
we intend to honor our collective and individual hero journey;
our transformative path in the education of our heart!

Bring a photo of yourself as an infant, child or youth.
Bring a photo of your children or grand children
and other children in your life.
Also you are invited to bring statues, pictures, precious items
that represent the Divine Mother and Divine Father for you.
Together we shall build a communal altar in
HER / HIS / THEIR honor;
“That One which expresses itself uniquely through all things.”

“To be human is to be born into a dance in which every animate or inanimate, visible or invisible being is also dancing. Every step of this dance is printed in light; its energy is adoration, its rhythm is praise… If we could bring ourselves to open to this vision, we would undergo a revolution of the heart.”
~ Andrew Harvey, The Return of the Mother

Our 2023 Spiritual Discernment:
Transforming the Body, Heart, and Mind
JANUARY: Purifying the Body
FEBRUARY: Cleansing the Heart
MARCH: Observing the Mind
APRIL: Refining the Body
MAY: Educating the Heart
JUNE: Clarifying the Mind
JULY: Relaxing the Body
AUGUST: Surrendering the Heart
SEPTEMBER: Dissolving the Mind
OCTOBER: Finding Balance in the Body
NOVEMBER: Harmonizing the Heart
DECEMBER: Recreating the Mind

This gathering is in-person.
Or you may also watch it live on our YouTube channel.


“Come near, my children: Do not be afraid.
I am here to tell you great news.”

~ Our Lady of La Salette

“All the powers of all the world’s Mothers — Tara, Durga, Kali, of the Tao — are in Mary. She has Tara’s sublime protectiveness towards all creation; Durga’s (the Fortress’) inaccessible, silent face; the grandeur and terribleness of Kali; the infinite awareness of balance and mystery of the Tao. Then miracle of Mary and the source of her extraordinary hold over the human heart, however, is that she was a human mother as well, a mother who endured every imaginable anguish and so shares all of our griefs with an intensity and an intimacy no purely Divine Mother can. In Mary, then, we have a complete image of the Divine Feminine, an image at once transcendent and immanent, other-worldly and this-worldly, mystical and practical.
~ Andrew Harvey

Most Holy Sophia,
Give us Thy wisdom.
Mother of all gods
Give us Thy love.
Spouse of the Holy One,
Give us Thy beauty
Holy Queen of the Angels,
Give us Thy Blessing.

From The Litany of Angels

“Sophia is fierce, and yet, she comes with a gentle invitation to trust, to say yes to her initial stirrings. As we do this, she leads and guides. We begin to experience her in and through everything. The more we surrender to her gentle flow, the more intense it becomes, and we will eventually find ourselves standing under her waterfall with a new understanding of ourselves, creation, and the Divine. We will be co-creators alongside her in the new rising of God for which the world is so ripe and ready. May it be so.” ~ Rachel Lindemuth,
God Rising: Rebirthing God Through a Sophianic Approach and A Mystical Understanding of Christianity

“We are now, I believe, on the threshold of a third stage which I call the stage of the sacred marriage. This is the only position we could possibly take and still survive. This is a stage beyond both matriarchy and patriarchy. It involves the restoration to human respect of all of the rejected powers of the feminine. But it is absolutely essential that this restoration should be accomplished in the deep spirit of the sacred feminine. Not only should we invoke the sacred feminine, restore the sacred feminine, but this union between the matriarchal and the patriarchal, the sacred marriage, must be accomplished in the spirit of the sacred feminine for it to be real, effective, rich, and fecund. It must occur in her spirit of unconditional love, in her spirit of tolerance, forgiveness, all-embracing and all-harmonizing balance, and not, in any sense, involve a swing in the other direction.” ~  Andrew Harvey, The Return of the Mother

“I am the Queen, source of thought, Knowledge itself.
You do not know Me, yet you dwell in me.”
~ Ancient Gnostic texts

One Woman, Many Names
“Sophia ends up being the giver of wisdom in so many forms: She is Shakti in Sanskrit, the powerful Hindu personification of feminine wisdom, and the personal and collective linking soul as atman, realized in the transcendent state of samadhi (Gnosis). She is the compassionate boddhisatva (Avalokiteshvara) in Buddhism, returning to light the path to nirvana (Gnosis); personified by the deity Guanyin. She is both Mother Mary, in her ascendant form, and Mary Magdalene, as the Earthly companion of the Christ potential in Christian Gnosticism. In Jungian psychology, she is the unifying power (“individuation”) of both the feminine and masculine archetypes, anima and animus, and of the lower self of the psyche with the higher spiritual self (Gnosis).”

“She is the Sophia of wisdom, the Maria of compassion, the Persephone of destruction, compelling Necessity and Fate, and the Muse.” ~James Hillman

“Salvatore Mundi” = “Feminine Saviour of the World”

“Mother of all living”

About Reverend Karen Lindquist:
Karen is co-founder and co-minister of Interfaith Community Sanctuary, a spiritual community grounded in circular leadership principles. She co-creates interfaith services throughout the year at the Sanctuary and with interfaith organizations in the greater Seattle area. For many years she served as a board member on The Interfaith Council of Washington and The Interfaith Network, now known as Northwest Interfaith.​​ Reverend Karen’s regular spiritual practices include deep immersion within the Mevlevi tradition (as a follower of Rumi) with the Mevlevi Order of America and absorption into the mystic tradition of Ecclesia Gnostica through the Hagia Sophia Gnostic Parish.

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