Our Honoring the Guest Interfaith Worship Series welcomes Christ Rapcewicz who will speak about Imbolc followed by the connection to our February spiritual discernment “Motivating Ourselves for Spiritual Work”.
In 2024, our spiritual discernment will be Making a Home for the Mystic Heart
The month of February will focus upon “Motivating Ourselves for Spiritual Work”
The majority of the service will be a ritual and a meditation.
About Chris Rapcewicz
Chris Rapcewicz came to Seattle from New Jersey in 1994. While he was raised a Roman Catholic, he found devotion to the Mother Goddess was a great comfort. He currently follows an eclectic Pagan path and is particularly devoted to the Hindu Goddess Durga and the God Shiva. In 1999 he met and married a goddess in this reality: the lovely Lila Milagros. He was a co-founder of Interfaith Community Sanctuary and has been supportive ever since, serving as President of the Guiding Council 3 times. Jai, Jai, Jai Ma !

Please join us in celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week.
Within this interfaith worship service we shall exemplify the intention set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2010, inspired by King Abdullah II of Jordan, that establishing World Interfaith Harmony Week on the first week of February every year is a perfect way to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith recognizing that the common values we hold far outweigh our differences. https://www.un.org/en/observances/interfaith-harmony-week
World Interfaith Harmony Week‘s inspiration is inclusive of all people of goodwill, of any faith and no faith, as expressed in these Commandments: ‘Love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbour’,
Learn more here: https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/
Your generous donation allows us to continue offering interfaith worship services, events, classes. Also to continue creating sacred community as well as maintaining a historic building in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. Currently we are in the process of recovering from rain water damage.
Thank you for your help!
You may also mail your donation as a check to:
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street
Seattle, Washington 98107
Land Acknowledgement:
We would like to acknowledge that we gather today on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived here from time immemorial. Please join us in expressing our deepest respect and gratitude for our Indigenous neighbors, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.
The Coast Salish is a group of ethnically and linguistically related Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, living in the Canadian province of British Columbia and the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon. They speak one of the Coast Salish languages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coast_Salish_languages