Encountering the Infinite: Meeting the Divine Mother in Humanity
~ a contemplative, exploratory inquiry and discovery
July’s focus: “The Humanist Tradition”.
The human tradition has transformed our public, domestic, private and spiritual life. This is a movement of the Divine Mother in the world inasmuch as our awareness has turned to the development of health and medicine, education and development, and salvation and enlightenment.
This worship service will be in-person.
(or you may view the service in Live Stream on our Youtube page)
See COVID Responsibilities here.
Our monthly POTLUCK begins following the morning worship.
You are invited to bring prepared dish to share.
Visit Jamal’s Websites:

Your generous donation allows us to continue offering interfaith worship services, events, classes. Also to continue creating sacred community as well as maintaining a historic building in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. Currently we are recovering from rainwater damage and are working on creating effective and lasting underground run off options to preserve our historic building.