Friday Prayers in the Islamic Tradition

Date: Friday, April 18. 2025
Time: Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm

This event is Zoom
For more information about Friday Prayers and to obtain the Zoom link, please contact us at or call ICS at 206-783-1618.


As-salamu alaykum (Arabic: ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ‎, as-salāmu ʿalaykum, [asːa.laː.mu ʕa.laj.kum]) "Peace be upon you".


Jumah Mubarak! 

Please join us for our regular online Prayer gathering in the Islamic tradition offered every Friday through partnership with Interfaith Community Sanctuary and Cherry Street Mosque guided by Bahiyaa Ann Holmes Redding.

Our Zoom room opens at 1:15 for socializing.
As always, all are welcome.

Our 2024 Spiritual Discernment
Making a Home for the Mystic Heart

Please note: Friday Prayers in the Islamic Tradition is a woman-led gathering. Women and men stand, sit, and pray together. Different participants lead the congregational prayer. Whenever possible, Qur’anic verses and traditional prayers are offered in Arabic and translated into English.

Our prayer gathering is a collaborative sharing and spiritually deepening experience guided by Muslim / Christian scholar, author and teacher, Bahiyaa Ann Holmes Redding, a minister, author, teacher, PhD in New Testament, singer, and spiritual director—presents locally, nationally, and internationally. Both Christian and Muslim since 2006, Ann is founder of Abrahamic Reunion West, a non-profit committed to healing the global dysfunction of the Abrahamic family of faith.  She is co-author with Jamal Rahman and Kathleen Schmitt Elias of “Out of Darkness into Light: Spiritual Guidance in the Quran with Reflections from Jewish and Christian Sources.”

The weekly khutbah (sermon, address, message, teaching, reflection) is offered by Bahiyaa Ann Holmes Redding in English. There are times participants or guests may offer words of wisdom. Bahiyaa also invites all participants to share personal reflections upon the theme during our group discussion.

Information is posted on the Interfaith Community Sanctuary Facebook event page:

Also, visit the Facebook page: “Friday Prayer (Salatul Juma’a) at the Interfaith Sanctuary in Seattle”:
for a weekly posting about Friday Prayer and the discussion content.




Bismi-llah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
Al-hamdu lillahi rabb-il-‘alamin
Ar-Rahman ir-Rahim
Maliki yawm id-Din
Iyyaka na’abudu w iyyaka nasta’in

Ihdin-as-sirat al-mustqim
Sirata-lla dhina an’amta ‘alaihim
Ghair-il-maghdubi ‘alaihim
wa lad-Dallin

Opening the Heart
We begin in the Name of God,
Everlasting Mercy, Infinite Compassion.
Praise be to God, Loving Lord of all the worlds.
Everlasting Mercy, Infinite Compassion.
Eternal Strength of every living being,
Whose Majestic Power embraces us on the day of the great return.
Only You do we adore, and to You alone do we cry for help.
Guide us, O God, on the path of Perfect Harmony,
the path of those whom You have blessed with the gifts of Peace, Joy, Serenity and Delight,
the path of those who are not brought down by anger,
the path of those who are not lost along the way.
So be it.

(Translation by Imam Bilal Hyde)


(PDF notes for Islamic Prayer available here)

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