Time: Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
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🎵 Music and Chanting will be offered during the service by Isla Ross.
Our Guest Presenters for February are Chris Holland, Dorothy Rodes, Kaity Macy, and Lara
Simmons, members of “A Course in Miracles” which meets in person at ICS every first and third
Tuesday evening. They also meet on Zoom every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The group will offer background on “A Course in Miracles” as a spiritual path, and will also tie
their work into our annual Discernment for 2025: “In Invitation to Create Sanctuary in
Community” with an emphasis on our February focus, which is “Sanctuary for the Divine.”
A Course In Miracles, “ACIM”, is a combined three volume set of books, (Text, Workbook,
Manual for Teachers) There are many ways to describe what ACIM is and a variety of ways a
person might benefit from it. One description from the introduction says, “The course does not
aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. Â It does aim,
however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural
Also on February 2, following the Sunday worship service, we will hold a brief ceremony
commemorating the 1 year passing of Reverend Karen Lindquist (October 8, 1954 – February
4, 2024). We will begin with the offering of a song composed by Isla Ross in honor of Rev.
Karen Lindquist, “Lady of Faith” which she will play in the Sanctuary. All congregants are then
invited to join on the lawn at the front west side of the Sanctuary to witness the consecration of
ground where a rose will symbolically be planted this spring in Karen’s honor.
In Sufi mystical literature, the rose is often a symbol of divine love, the beauty of the soul, and the unfolding of spiritual enlightenment. The famous Persian poet Rumi frequently used roses in his poetry to symbolize spiritual love and the soul's journey. It will be a blessing if you are able to be present for this short gathering.
Our regular Guiding Council meeting will follow the memorial ceremony, at 12:00 noon.