Tuesdsay Mathnawi (Book 2)

Date: Tuesday, February 18. 2025
Time: Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm

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ID: 891 5547 9799
Passcode: 309112

Exploring Rumi’s Mathnawi is an ongoing collaborative learning experience to explore the mystical poetry of Rumi’s Mathnawí.
Michael Bielas is inviting you to attend an scheduled Zoom meeting:
EXPLORING RUMI’S MATHNAWI – an ongoing study class — join anytime

New students encouraged to attend! Everyone is welcome to join in, no need to have started at the beginning in Book 1.

LINK to purchase BOOK 2: The Mathnawi of Jalalu’din Rumi – Book 2: The Mathnawi of Jalalu’din Rumi – Book 2


The Mathnawi is a work of mystical poetry by Jalalu’din Rumi. His work is a guidebook through the twists and turns of life, leading to the clarity love.

The beautiful poetry of Rumi has touched countless lives and has been a source of inspiration for anyone searching for a deeper awareness of what it means to be human. When the heart and mind find balance, the limitations of life are set aside, and the soul has the two wings needed for flight. The possibilities for the soul to fly freely are not limited to this physical atmosphere, the invisible realms are also open for exploration. The means of opening these doors of awareness are described in the six books of his Mathnawí, a guide-book for his journey of the spirit.

For more information contact Hafiz/Michael <michaelbielas@gmail.com>

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