[New!] Interfaith Study Circle (hybrid class)

Date: Saturday, April 12. 2025
Time: Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Led by Rich Ater & Jasper Emory
In-person and Zoom

Interfaith study circle, led by Rich Ater & Jasper Emory, to try to answer this question for ourselves.

On the second Saturday of each month at 3:00 PM at Interfaith Community Sanctuary.

Prior to meeting we will send out a short reading by a religious leader, either past or present, to be read prior to coming and we will discuss what we have read and how it informs our thoughts on this topic.

 The reading assignment  #1 & #2 

It is recommended that if you live in the area you attend in person. Personal contact allows us to form bonds that may not be possible via Zoom. Should you have any questions contact Rich at richpsych.ater@gmail.com.


Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 823 9552 6711
Passcode: justice

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