“The Baby Quail and the Wood Fire”

Fourth Sunday,  April 27, 10am

Rev. Karen Lindquist “The Baby Quail and the Wood Fire” is one of several ancient Jataka Tales* reinterpreted into beautiful, lyrical prose by Noorunissa Inayat-Khan, or Princess Noor, the daughter of Sufi mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan. Descended from Indian royalty, this heroine, mystic, children’s author, musician and pacifist is also known — accurately and affectionately — as “Spy Princess,” for her courageous clandestine service in resistance to the Nazi Occupation of France during WWII as a Special Operations Executive for the British government. *Jataka Tales are stories about the Buddha’s previous lives in human and non-human form. Each tale demonstrates his innate virtuous qualities. In this tale the baby quail encounters a forest fire alone – as Noor encountered her adversaries, (the Gestapo), alone.

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