Ann Holmes Redding: “What is Our Piece of the Peace?”

First Sunday April 6th, 10am

Honoring the Guest ~ Interfaith Worship Series

The writer James Baldwin once said that we aren’t really interested in China until we fall in love with someone from China.
Peacemaking among the religious traditions involves not only
learning about their beliefs and practices; it also means falling
in love and building committed relationships with the believers
and practitioners of those traditions. Are we ready to fall in
love? Come learn about the vision of matchmaking of Abrahamic Reunion West.

Ann Holmes Redding, minister, author, teacher, PhD in New Testament, singer, and spiritual director—has been both Christian and Muslim since 2006. She is the founder of Abrahamic Reunion West, a non-profit committed to healing the global dysfunction of the Abrahamic family of faith.


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