Spiritual Discernment for 2025

An Invitation to Create Sanctuary in Community

A sanctuary is a place or time set apart for a specific intention. This is defined by what we retain on the inside, and what we share with others. For example, we may come together to explore our spirituality in community, but we also have spiritual practices and beliefs that are focused inwardly, and we may choose to keep them private. We come together in community to learn, explore, listen, connect, share, and evolve in a safe and nourishing way with others whom we trust.

January: Sanctuary of Inclusion: Inclusion means welcoming the strange, which may involve ideas, people, images, language, approaches, etc. Inclusion can create space to share our oneness in diversity. Can we take this opportunity to relax our identities and see the places we may be stuck in our self-definition?

For Universal Worship Service Readings click here.

February: Sanctuary for the Divine: A house of worship is a Sanctuary for the Divine.  How does it differ from any other building?  How do we make it a sanctuary with our presence and our stewardship?  How do we keep it safe and inviting, and also encourage exploration and diversity?  The Divine also abides in the Sanctuary of the human heart, and in the relations between creatures.  In what ways do we help each other nourish the Sanctuary of our own heart?

For Universal Worship Service Readings click here.

March: Sanctuary for Transformation: Transformation occurs in many different ways. Experiences transform our lives; ideas and concepts evolve and help us understand and integrate our experiences and the experiences of others. Relationships with others transform us. How is this Sanctuary transformative? How do we encourage healthy and positive transformation without exerting pressure?

For Universal Worship Service Readings click here.

April: Sanctuary for Healing: It is our stated mission to be a place of healing. There is much to be healed, both individual and collective trauma, but also the universal suffering of our human condition. Ways of healing include both active processing (e.g. speaking & being heard), or simply being welcomed warmly and accepted until one is ready to engage. Perhaps our role is to provide support for each other to find our own personal approach. There is much that can be done through simple awareness and open-heartedness. Can our personal experiences and the knowledge we have gained from them help us to help one another?

May: Sanctuary for Engaged Listening: It is part of our mission to be a school. Perhaps not simply an academic institution (though we sometimes are that), but a place for exploration, like the agora or Lyceum of the Greek philosophers, or the yeshiva of the rabbis. The key to learning is engaged listening and studying. How can we cultivate this practice? How can we find ways of inviting and listening to ideas outside our normal frame of reference?

June: Sanctuary for Refuge: In the past, cathedrals or cities of refuge provided safety from legal persecution. Even now, religious institutions sometimes shelter refugees, or create barriers to arrest. We can also provide a space safe from social persecution, and a haven for free thought. This is as much a question of what we keep out as what we let in. How do we dance this border with integrity and love? The concept of taking refuge is present in all spiritual traditions. This refuge can be a safe space for sharing our happiness and sorrow with others. We build community brick by brick through our interactions. Can we find ways to make this an integral part of the spiritual path?

July: Sanctuary for Preservation: Just like a nature preserve, we function as a repository for transmitted wisdom, collective memory, and blessing. How can we improve our connection with our ancestors and our progeny as we participate in a conversation with the Past and the Future?

August: Sanctuaries in Time: Sanctuaries exist not only in space, but in time. Examples are Shabbat, Sunday worship, and Salat/Jum’ah. How does our temporal rhythm support our spiritual progress? How do these special times provide refuge, inspiration, and safety?

September: Sanctuary of Nature: In our highly artificial built environment, we crave wildness. In our information-rich world, we crave the empty space for free thought. How can we nurture and work with this deep desire? Honoring the natural world of spiritually alive, sentient beings, we seek to stay connected with the natural world through our worship and around our building. What lessons about life can we learn from nature? “The holiest of holy books is the book of nature.” ~Inayat Khan

October: Sanctuary for the Self: We often need a personal sanctuary, a haven from our outer life, whether that means our work, our social life, or our relationships. It’s difficult to integrate spiritual experiences when we are overwhelmed by ‘the World’. Creating sanctuary for ourself means allowing ourselves time and space to develop an inner calm in the face of a world in crisis. How can we create places of solace and retreat, contemplation and prayer?

November: Sanctuary that Functions as a Sacred Space to perform Religious Rites and Ceremonies. Rites of passage in life are important and need to be marked in a sacred way. Understanding and facing death in new ways has also been a feature of our Sanctuary as we consider the integration of life and death as one continuous spiritual journey. Can we find old and new ways to enrich our lives and transitions through community ritual?

December: A Complete Sanctuary of Community: How does this community help us grow in awareness, understanding, acceptance, harmony and love? We have talked about the next Buddha as the Sangha (community), and about the prophetic community. What is the community level version of the spiritually aware or realized human being? What is the growing edge of our service? What is the essence of this community?

2024 Spiritual Discernment

In 2024, our spiritual discernment will be Making a Home for the Mystic Heart
(Maintaining an Environment for Spiritual Practice).
Our main source of inspiration for this year is Interspiritual Meditation by Edward W. Bastian. In this book, he points out the necessity for our spiritual practices to be performed in a context of intention and wisdom that supports and informs them. He outlines a series of steps we can take to help integrate our practice, wisdom, and daily life.
We can consider each of these steps in a personal, communal, or universal domain. Also, as particular independent practices or as elements in a ritual sequence.

JANUARY: Making a Home
Why do we need a context for practice? How might we design one? Remember to consider this on both the level of each of our individual paths and on the level of our congregational practice.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

FEBRUARY: Motivating Ourselves for Spiritual Work
Using our desire for health and happiness to motivate practice. Reflecting on past unsuccessful means to eliminate suffering and create happiness. Examining positive examples of how practice can help make us happy.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

MARCH: What Is Our Ultimate Spiritual Goal?
In order to bear fruit of our potential, it is vital to plant the seed of our ultimate purpose at the beginning. This is the result of personal inquiry, and need not be the same for everyone. What is your most profound spiritual goal?

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

APRIL: Gratitude
Invoke the many blessings of our lives: the people, things, and circumstances for which we are grateful. Focus on obstacles and resistance as well: we need to become grateful for the entirety of our lives. There are intricate causes for every moment we are alive. With gratitude, our minds are drawn into wisdom fueled by a compassionate desire to help, rather than a fearful repulsion urging us to flee.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

MAY: Our Relationship with the Ancestors
In performing a new task, we depend on the example of others to guide us. Teachers, mentors, saints, prophets, God. We visualize (maybe) and invite them to join us.
Being imitative beings, we mold ourselves on those around us. Through invocation, mantra, images, symbols, we remind ourselves of the qualities we want to embody. This can imply the literal presence of beings.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

JUNE: The Ideal
We must develop a clear image of that which we would like to become, honestly acknowledging our present inadequacies and the ways in which we would like to improve.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

JULY: Confession and Forgiveness
We must take personal responsibility for the causes of our own suffering. Take stock and admit these. Shine the light of mindfulness and love into our unconscious. Forgiving ourselves and others, loving the wounded parts of ourselves (negative emotions and bad habits), we renounce our attachment to the thoughts and behaviors that need healing and transformation.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

AUGUST: Compassion

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

SEPTEMBER: Mindfulness Through Breath
Working with the breath is at the heart of many secular and spiritual techniques of meditation. Focussing on the breath, we allow our consciousness to recede from the senses, thoughts, and emotions. Our consciousness can ride the subtle breath into the heart center. Abiding in the heart is a foundational practice for contemplation, meditation, or prayer. We can develop the capacity to dispassionately observe and release our incessant thoughts, emotions, habits, and memories.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

OCTOBER: Concentration
Focusing on an object: the flow of breath, a mantra or prayer, an image or symbol.
Once we have withdrawn our sensory awareness into the subtle consciousness of the heart center, we can enter into the pristine clarity of direct wisdom.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

NOVEMBER: Meditation
Now that the garden of mindfulness has been carefully cultivated, we can begin to deepen and expand the scope of our meditation. We can choose a specific meditation practice that is compatible with our beliefs, reason, temperament, and spiritual style.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

DECEMBER: Dedication
We conclude our meditation by rededicating ourselves to serving the highest good for everyone. This is an unrelenting determination to integrate our spiritual practice into our daily lives. It is not enough merely to state our ideals. We must truly intend to participate in making it happen.

Download Universal Worship Service Scripture here.

2023 Spiritual Discernment

Transforming the Body, Heart, and Mind

JANUARY: Purifying the Body. Download readings here.
FEBRUARY: Cleansing the Heart. Download readings here.
MARCH: Observing the Mind. Download readings here.

APRIL: Refining the Body Download readings here.
MAY: Educating the Heart Download readings here.
JUNE: Clarifying the Mind Download readings here.

JULY: Relaxing the Body Download readings here.
AUGUST: Surrendering the Heart Download readings here.
SEPTEMBER: Dissolving the Mind Download readings here.

OCTOBER: Finding Balance in the Body Download readings here.
NOVEMBER: Harmonizing the Heart Download readings here.
DECEMBER: Recreating the Mind Download readings here.

Our yearly Spiritual Discernment is reflected in our activities, within our services each Sunday, and within the diverse groups that meet in circle throughout our community.

2022 Spiritual Discernment:

Meeting the Divine Mother in Nature, Humanity, and the Cosmos
A contemplative, exploratory inquiry and discovery

January-April: Meeting the Divine Mother in Nature
May-August: Meeting the Divine Mother in Humanity
September-December: Meeting the Divine Mother in the Cosmos

The following scripture readings from the world’s diverse religions are compiled as part of our second Sunday Universal Worship service:

January: The Human Body
Download January 2022 Scripture Readings here.

February: The Natural Foundations of Morality
Download February 2022 Scripture Readings here.

March: Nature as Mirror and Teacher
Download March 2022 Scripture Readings here.

April: The Community as Shaman
Download April 2022 Scripture Readings here.

May: The End of Patriarchy
Download May 2022 Scripture Readings here.

June: She Who Hears and Responds
Download June 2022 Scripture Readings here.

July: The Humanist Tradition
Download July 2022 Scripture Readings here.

August: Reintegrating the Feminine
Download August 2022 Scripture Readings here.

September: The Divine Mother as Destroyer
Download September 2022 Scripture Readings here.

October: The Divine Mother as Wisdom
Download October 2022 Scripture Readings here.

November: The Divine Mother as Energy
Download November 2022 Scripture Readings here

December: The Divine Mother as Mystery
Download December 2022 Scripture Readings here

2021 Spiritual Discernment:

THE WAY OF SERVICE – Engaging with the World

How do we engage our deepest selves
with the world’s greatest need?
What qualities do we need to develop
to serve the world with integrity?
How can we engage our sovereignty
and our capacity for action
to serve the greater good?

We shall explore the landscape of the Way of Service drawing from traditional models and contemporary experience. Each month will focus on a virtue or attribute. Each can be seen as an inherent attribute of Humanity or as an attribute of God that can be reflected in ourselves.

The following scripture readings from the world’s diverse religions included below are compiled as part of our second Sunday Universal Worship service:

January: HONOR. Dignity.
Download January 2021 Scripture Readings here.
February: COURAGE. Fearlessness. Confidence. Risk-taking.
Download February 2021 Scripture Readings here.
March: GENEROSITY. Hospitality. Abundance.
Download March 2021 Scripture Readings here.
April: SOLIDARITY. Loyalty. Restorative justice.
Download April 2021 Scripture Readings here.
May: DEVOTION. Faithfulness. Reverence.
Download May 2021 Scripture Readings here.
June: SINCERITY. Integrity. Purity.
Download June 2021 Scripture Readings here.
July: NOBILITY. Vocation. Responsibility.
Download July 2021 Scripture Readings here.
August: BENEVOLENCE. The strong protecting the weak. Serving the under-served.
Download August 2021 Scripture Readings here.
September: SILENCE. Reticence. Right speech.
Download September 2021 Scripture Readings here.
October: HUMILITY. Simplicity.
Download October 2021 Scripture Readings here.
November: FORBEARANCE. Mercy. Restraint.
Download November 2021 Scripture Readings here.
December: PERSEVERANCE. Patience. Long-term visioning.
Download December 2021 Scripture Readings here.

Our exploration seeks to answer these questions:

  1. How do we define or experience this attribute?
  2. What are the obstacles to manifesting this attribute?
  3. How do we need to redefine or reimagine this attribute
    for our world now?
  4. What are useful and relevant practices?
    Our yearly Spiritual Discernment is reflected in our activities, within our services each Sunday, and within the diverse groups that meet in circle through our community.


2021 Spiritual Discernment
The Way of Service ~ Engaging with the World

2020 Spiritual Discernment
The Path of Wisdom in Sacred Community

2018 Spiritual Discernment
The Path of Love through the life and teaching of Saint Francis of Assisi

2017 Spiritual Discernment
Guidelines for Engaged Buddhism by Thich Nhat Hahn

2016 Spiritual Discernment
Spiritual Permaculture: Coming into Deeper Relationship with Earth.

2015 Spiritual Discernment
Restoring Balance to the World: Hoops of Honor

2014 Spiritual Discernment: Principles of Spiritual Activism

2013 Spiritual Discernment: Following the Light: The Dance of the Elements

The 12 Conditions of a Miracle,

The 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life,

The Charter for Compassion…

The Living Values (Brahma Kumari)

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